
Applied Material


Optimize the performance and productivity of your equipment and fab operations


Senior Ui Ux designer


Applied Material


Accelerate and remake TCT

🤔 Problem

The current design lacks efficiency, affecting the information hierarchy and navigation, impacting the overall usability and effectiveness of the quality assurance and statistics software.

💡 Hypothesis

A comprehensive redesign concentrating on improving information hierarchy and navigation within the TCT tool will modernized the design, streamline user interactions, leading to increased efficiency and satisfaction.

🧩  Solutions

Revamp the TCT tool's design by reorganizing information hierarchy and optimizing navigation. making a leaner funnel for monitoring and testing computing unit

🏁 Results

Post-redesign, user feedback indicated a 25% improvement in satisfaction and efficiency while using the TCT tool. A 12% reduction in the time required to run test configurations.

More work to explore

More work to explore

More work to explore

More work to explore